팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.
  • PUREWALLET provides a safe and
    convenient payment system in an environment
    with less internet infrastructure.

  • Purechain is a blockchain ecosystem
    that seeks to solve decentralization, security,
    scalability, and gas costs.

  • Utilizing the CREATIVIA platform,
    we are taking the lead in building
    a customized metaverse for consumers.

NS Lab Co., Ltd. values supporting differentiated and advanced technology through communication with customers.

NS Lab Co., Ltd will show a new space for you.

NS Lab Co., Ltd. supports technical solution utilizing Metaverse, Blockchain, and AI.

  • Specialized in AI/Fieldbus/UAV solution

    NS Lab Co., Ltd. welcomes cooperation with you for a new future.

  • Connection of real and virtual

    A new space created by NS Lab, we will dream together with you and
    create a better world

Business Area


    Realize a virtual world where a user can use
    the service easily and comfortably, and
    improve quality through steady management

  • Blockchain

    NS Lab Co., Ltd. provides offline payment
    and safe services in an environments with
    insufficient internet infrastructure

  • Technical & Educational consulting

    NS Lab Co., Ltd. Provides technology
    consulting service to meet customers’ needs based on years of R&D experience


Check out NS Lab Co., Ltd.’s efforts and technology to promote innovation through R&D



place 806, Industrial-Cooperation building, Daehak-ro,
Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea

call 054-604-7160~1

email nslab@nslab.tech